Saturday, April 28, 2012

(In Which Carl Nolte of the San Francisco Chronicle Outs Mr. Guy Stilson (Esq.) and Your Humble Narrator...)

Dago Mary's was a fine, old school restaurant in San Francisco which existed for nearly 80 years until five years ago.  Recently, I was thinking about the Carl Nolte article I have attached below (a farewell to Dago Mary's piece, it has some good history if you are interested), in which both my friend Guy Stilson and I were quoted.  I was going to write something about this yesterday but my brief musings on Brandon Inge's release got in the way; HAD I written about this yesterday, it would have been five years to the day of the article's original publication, a coincidence I only discovered this morning.  So then: five years and a day, and just two things -

First, Guy Stilson had never set foot in Dago Mary's before, though Mr. Nolte (who seemed like a nice guy) would have you believe he'd been going there for 40 years.

Second, though Guy was there with Irene and I with Danielle, Mr. Nolte was able to see through our feeble ruse: one paragraph refers to Guy's " ... companion, Michael Murray...". 

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course...

Farewell to Dago Mary's by Carl Nolte, SF Chronicle, 4/27/07...


