Friday, December 28, 2012

U.S. Population - NRA Membership

According to the Census Bureau, the United States entered 2012 with a population of approximately 312.8 million.  The National Rifle Association "boasts" a membership of about 4 million people.  Assuming that both of these numbers are spot on (which seems unlikely, doesn't it? but, for our purposes...), that means that an organization with a membership total that would comprise (just shy of) 1.3% of the entire U.S. population is attempting to dictate the terms of any and all debate on firearms, which is to say there will be no debate.  So far, they have been quite successful.  The folks here at IBL think it's time to change that, and we encourage you and yours to do all you can in this area (pester elected representatives; support the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence; gently and patiently explain to people who think otherwise that we have a "militia" already, the National Guard (not to mention Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines)).

Where we at IBL would start? Mandatory background checks for anyone purchasing a weapon (history of mental illness, history of violent crime, restraining orders, etc.).  No "gun show loopholes", no private sales through the mail.  Sell a weapon without properly checking the background of your buyer? Automatic two years in prison.  Also, reinstate the assault weapon ban.  These are basic steps that could make a difference right now, and make far more sense than arming the entire country.  (Because what could possibly go wrong then?)


1 comment:

  1. NRA Lies & Misconceptions:

