Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reading One's Mail at the Little Red Hen, Green Lake, Seattle

We needed a mailing address in Seattle to help us with our job search, so we got a post box in Ravenna, just east of Green Lake. Why Ravenna? Well, Danielle was intrigued by its proximity to Green Lake's Little Red Hen (, one of (I believe) two country western bars in Seattle (by comparison, San Francisco has zero, though the Riptide does its best on the weekends). So, what a person might do (or two persons) is collect their mail once a week (say mid-day on a Thursday) in Ravenna and drive the five minutes to the Little Red Hen, camp out at the bar in the Mirror Room (if seats are available; otherwise at an adjacent table), and sort through a week's worth of mail while enjoying a couple of ice cold 2 dollar Rainiers. By the way, LRH has a happy hour from 9 am to noon; then again from 4 to 6. There is also (obviously) live music pretty much every night, and the kitchen turns out some very tasty comfort food at reasonable prices (you can see their menu on line). So perhaps we'll see YOU there one day - worse things could happen.


  1. Well, Danielle maintains that proximity to L.R.H. was someone else's big idea.

  2. Something tells me that Danielle might just be our anonymous poster...

