Monday, July 2, 2012

Danielle and I in Washington State for One Year...

... as of today, and I imagine your life would remain somewhat incomplete without access to this information.

We arrived Lynn Riser's Sugar Shack on 6th Avenue in Tacoma on Saturday July 2nd, 2011, and set up shop there for four months.  Next, we were in a temporary apartment on Ravenna here in the Green Lake neighborhood of Seattle; much love to Whine Heiress Kayne Doumani for the tip on that bit of lodging which was our home for three months.  And, now, in our permanent apartment on Green Lake Way overlooking Green Lake itself for the past five months.

Perhaps I can provide you a little more information via the handy "wizard point" feature (as the hep-cats are calling it) -
  • Danielle is gainfully employed downtown.  I am not employed, gainfully or otherwise, but am working at it, honest.
  • We really do spend a lot of time at the Little Red Hen, our local - that is not your imagination.
  • We've lived here long enough to become acquainted with an LRH regular who unexpectedly died about two weeks ago; the memorial is coming up on the 15th.  That part not so good, I'm not going to kid you.  He was a good guy, Doug - we liked him very much.
  • Last week, I removed the CA plates from the Scion and installed the WA plates.
  • There is plenty to miss about San Francisco, of course, but there is plenty to embrace here in Seattle.
  • The overall assessment, one year in? So far so good.
If you come calling, I have stuff to show you up here.  Just sayin'.



  1. Congrats on the anniversary and a successful foothold.
    We're targeting the NW for a visit. End of Aug/Sept timeframe. Certainly looking forward to seeing you all.

  2. We will be looking forward to seeing the two of you (three?) in a couple of months, then...

