Friday, July 15, 2011

Schooling, a novel by Heather McGowan

Last September, when my good friend Robert and I were in Pittsburgh PA, he was reading Heather McGowan's novel, Schooling. As he was enjoying it very much, I took a peek and liked what I saw, and asked if I could read it when he was done. Good Egg that he is, I am now in possession of said copy, and he has charged me with passing it on when I'm done. As it turns out, Danielle and I started reading it aloud together on our drive from San Francisco to Tacoma via Bakersfield. We are about 70 pages in (out of 320 or so), and I (we) think that it's pretty fantastic. Ms. McGowan is a fine writer (who has, I think, most definitely read her Ulysses), and unless something goes terribly awry in these last 230 pages (which seems unlikely), this will wind up being one of the best books I've (we've) read in awhile. So, a recommendation, and if anybody else has read it I'd love to hear your thoughts. And Mr. Winant - thanks for sending it my way: once we are finished, this copy is destined for Andy, our bartender at Joeseppi's here in Tacoma. He is just 22, just married, and is interested in books. I'm happy to pass on a good one to him.

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