Sunday, September 18, 2022

"A Walking Study in Demonology"


Matchbook and portion of advert(s) from weekly "paper" stapled to El Cortez playing card, 5.5 x 5 inches, Friday, September 9th, 2022, Cathedral Hill, San Francisco.

Do yourself a favour and look up the Good Pastor on the internet.


"The Seven Wonders of the World"


Found photograph, 3.5 x 3.5 inches, Thursday, September 8th, 2022, Cathedral Hill, San Francisco.


"Stocking Stuffer"

Escort ad glued to photography advert, 5 x 3 inches, Thursday, September 8th, 2022, Cathedral Hill, San Francisco.


Sunday, September 4, 2022


Photographs, staples and flower petal, 8.75 x 11.5 inches, Saturday, September 3rd, 2022, Cathedral Hill, San Francisco.




Photographs stapled together, 7 5/8 x 5 7/8 inches, Saturday, September 3rd, 2022, Cathedral Hill, San Francisco.


Saturday, September 3, 2022

"At Play in the Fields of the Lord"

Scoring and torn photograph stapled to postcard; but also with stickers, cellophane tape, charcoal and elementary school ephemera.  4.75 x 5.75 inches, Thursday, September 1st, 2022, R Bar, San Francisco.


"The War on Christmas"

Portion of photo advert stapled to postcard, 5.75 x 4.25 inches, Thursday, September 1st, 2022, R Bar, San Francisco.



"This Is For Fighting, This Is For Fun"

Scoring on photograph, 4 x 6 inches, Saturday, August 27th, 2022, Cathedral Hill, San Francisco.


Friday, September 2, 2022

"Excerpts from My Christian Mingle ™ Profile"


-          The “Left Behind” series – so good, so far ahead of its time in so many ways by a longshot.

-          Long walks on the beach and realizing that when there was only one set of footprints that’s when He carried me.


-          Another thing is I think we should abolish Planned Parenthood.  There can be abstinence for one thing and then, you know, there are certain times of the month God gives a woman, and that can be a blessing to her man, too.


-          Oh but related to that slut shaming sixteen-year-old girls outside abortion clinics.  We need to use whatever means necessary to teach them how to respect life.


-          This is an older picture of me but I think it really captures my spirit.


-          I was thinking about those Home Depot Mexicans just waiting around in the parking lot to do jobs actual Americans could do.  I mean some of them are fine, of course; Jesus teaches us to love.


-          Public television is an attack on America and that should be abolished, too.  A lot of things should be abolished.


-          And also vouchers, I think, speaking of tax dollars – vouchers for religious education.


-          Long walks on the beach and realizing that when there was only one set of footprints that’s when He carried me to protect my fragile virginity. Cause I don’t think I put that last part in before.  It’s just that the night was warm and dark and moist and her scent was in the air – you know how it gets in your nose sometimes? - and her fingers slipped into the back pocket of my jeans.  This was another girl, I mean, I wasn’t saying you should.  Also, but nothing happened.


-          I’m tired of this arbitrary separation of Church and State.  Mostly because it interferes with my God given to discriminate against people for just cause, or sit in judgement of someone if they are flaunting the laws of God.  And we see so much of that now.


-          MAGA!


-          One business idea I have has to do with an internet lock to protect the children and people that might have that kind of a predilection or addiction.  I’d love to share my ideas about that with the right woman.


-          Just, you know, loving my Savior.