Sunday, September 22, 2013

Danielle Made a Funny

So a month or so ago on a warm Seattle evening, still light out and would be for awhile, we were sitting with some friends at the (somewhat) dimly lit bar in the Little Red Hen when the discussion turned to so-called "liberal politics" and then, in particular, to the systematic destruction of our planet by a variety of governments, corporations and so forth (though how this destruction might be a liberal-only cause always puzzles me).  Turns out (who knew!) we are against this sort of thing, and that information flowed forth freely into the conversation.  And, then, Danielle added, "But we don't get outside enough to be eco-terrorists."

And there you have it.  Oh Bar Keep...



  1. Clever quips from Danielle are often lost on the unprepared, but familiar to some of us lucky ones...

