Saturday, June 28, 2014

"Someday You Will Ache Like I Ache"

Original IBL art - pen, pencil, tape and torn Our Lady of Fatima on coaster, 3.5 x 3.5 inches (coaster found at Little Red Hen in 2012, pen marks pre-existing; additions completed at Hattie's Hat, Ballard), 6/21/14.

"Supporting Capital Punishment For 2,000 Years Plus"

Original IBL art - ink on torn coaster, 3.25 x 3 inches (cross from 2012 and, well, it had just been hanging around for awhile; torn and titled in Hattie's Hat, Ballard) 6/21/14.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Trying To Get Some Work Done...

... at the far end of the bar at Hattie's Hat (Ballard, Seattle) yesterday.


Bryan Daniel Doing the Lord's Work

Here, he took a photo I posted in these very pages on 6/14/14 and, well, in his own words -

First I processed in Photoshop with contrast and black&white controls. 
Then I put it into modo and created a 3d relief based on the 
black/grey/white. Tweaked the camera and lighting. Then I went back and 
painted in the color and replaced. Then I framed and matted (pseudo) and 
thought to add the Boko Haram quote.


Even MORE Proof of Jack White's Misogyny

As if we needed any more proof...


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Spotted in Fremont, CA, by Kathleen Mockus

And she was kind enough to pass it on to IBL.


"NE Corner of Bell and 3rd Avenue, Seattle, WA"

An original IBL photograph taken June 19th, 2014, in Seattle.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

"Complement III, #2"

An original IBL photograph taken May 26th, 2014, Ballard, Seattle.

"Complement III, #1"

An original IBL photograph taken May 26th, 2014, Ballard, Seattle.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


An original IBL photograph taken May 26th, 2014, Ballard, Seattle.


An original IBL photograph taken May 26th, 2014, Ballard, Seattle.

Words to Fucking Live By

Outside Mariners Field, Sunday, June 1st, 2014.  I was standing pretty much right next to this guy and simply could not resist.  What kills me most about this is the headset, I think.  Give all you have, follow me...


Friday, June 13, 2014


An original IBL photograph taken April 30th, 2014, Waterwheel Lounge, Ballard, Seattle.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

"This Monkey's Gone To Heaven"

An original IBL photograph taken April 30th, 2014, Waterwheel Lounge, Ballard, Seattle.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


An original IBL photograph taken May 28th, 2014, 4th Avenue South (between Jackson and Main), Seattle.


An original IBL photograph taken March, 2014, Little Red Hen, Green Lake, Seattle.


An original IBL photograph taken March, 2014, in the Poppy restroom, Capitol Hill, Seattle.

Geoffrey Bankowski @ Band Practice

Friday night, June 6th, Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Photo by Steve Goldstein.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Moral Dilemmas - BRAND NEW FEATURE Here at IBL

I hope they inspire much controversy and discussion amongst my three followers.

